The sooner you seek treatment after an injury, the easier it will be to heal as the body will have had less time to create compensation patterns. If you seek treatment early for any ailment I believe in an approach that moves along the spectrum from least invasive type of treatment towards more invasive methods with surgery being at the most invasive end of the spectrum. Why not give your body a chance to heal itself first?
I practice a variety of holistic bodywork therapies and I always use the term complementary therapy rather than alternative medicine or therapies for a very specific reason. I wholeheartedly believe that there is space available, and indeed required for both western/allopathic medicine as well as a natural or holistic approach to healing. Holistic therapies can be a great adjunct to more traditional allopathic treatment of many conditions such as cancer and other illnesses. Holistic therapy can complement what you are already doing to help ease you through the sometimes difficult side effects of pharmacological intervention.
Holistic bodywork therapy can be effective in cases where an allopathic approach has not worked, or when other methodologies have not been able to figure out a solution.
I see many clients with chronic pain issues. These can be a result of known or unknown trauma, both physical or emotional. Back and neck pain or any kind of chronic pain can be the result of a sequelae of injury from a past motor vehicle accident, concussion, or whiplash to name a few causes. It is possible to effect change even with very old trauma, though the process of working through the various compensatory layers can take some time.
Your body knows best what it requires to heal so all treatments are tissue directed. My role is to listen to your body tissues and follow them to provide the support they need to heal. It may not seem logical, but the body works as a whole so the area that needs work may be different from the local injury. Trust the body tissues.