Partway through a 600km bike ride from Toronto to Montreal, Alysse fell off her bike onto her elbow. While the elbow was directly injured, the fall actually impacted her shoulder joint more severely: the pain was so intense that she wasn’t able to lift her arm above her shoulder.
After only 15 minutes of CranioSacral Therapy on her shoulder, the arm released from the shoulder joint, with two distinct ‘clicks.
Immediately after the ‘clicks,’ full range of motion returned to Alysse’s arm and shoulder and the pain subsided.
“I suffered for years from chronic shoulder and back pain and came to see Ramona. Within minutes of Ramona’s gentle pain-free treatment, we felt a few cracks and I’ve not had the usual chronic pain in my shoulder since. Thank you, Ramona, for your amazing therapy. In the past, I’ve not had any treatment other than a massage and I must say this treatment beat a massage ‘hands down.'”