Kim* just wasn’t feeling ‘right.’ For months, she was having trouble sleeping, constantly felt her head was stuffed up and, not surprisingly, felt sluggish.
An evaluation revealed Kim had recently been under a lot of stress and was also sick more than usual. Lymph Drainage Therapy worked to improve flow and function of her sluggish lymphatic system which was weighing her down and causing congestion. Daily use of Kinotakara Foot Patches also helped to clear the build up of toxins caused by her stress and illness. Toxins she could see-in the form of wet, dark, sticky ‘goo’ on the patch-every morning.
The combined treatments helped de-congest Kim’s head and boosted her energy. She even noticed an improvement in the look and feel of her skin.
“After Lymph Drainage Therapy I felt so much lighter and felt a definite lift in the sinuses. Right after my treatment I saw a dental specialist. He took an x-ray and was surprised that my sinuses were in much better shape than most people my age. And the Kinotakara Foot Patches work so well, my daughter now uses them too. Like me, she notices a boost in energy after a night with the patches on.”